Now Hiring for the 2022 Season!

At Land of Little Horses, one of the greatest assets we have is the delightful interaction between our staff and our guests, therefore we hire team members who are comfortable interacting with both animals and people. We hire beginning at age 14+. Most ‘new to the workplace’ crew members are placed on teams where they learn to interact with people and work their way into the animal realm with returning seasons at LOLH. All of our 2022 positions are seasonal, so we expect that staff members are able to commit to the entire season at application time.

Available Positions

“Land of Little Horses has given me an outlet to learn and grow.  I started here at age 14 and I have learned so much and grown into many different positions.  Land of Little Horses is a great resume builder and a super fun place to work!”

Gabby McCalla, Land Of Little Horses